Council of EU

Council of EU Agrees on Approach to Legislative Proposals for Insolvency Hierarchy Directive and IFRS 9 Regulation


The Council of the EU has agreed on a general approach to the legislative proposals for a directive (which will relate to the ranking of unsecured debt instruments in insolvency) amending the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (2014/59/EU) (“BRRD“) and a Regulation amending the Capital Requirements Regulation (Regulation 575/2013) (“CRR“) (which concerns transitional periods under the International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (“IFRS 9“)).

A press release published on June 16, 2017, by the Council of the EU (in its configuration as the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)) outlined the following general approach on the legislative proposals:

  • In relation to BRRD, the Council agreed on the text set out in the Council’s final compromise proposal dated May 31, 2017 (9479/17).
  • In relation to CRR, the Council agreed on the text set out in the Council’s final compromise proposal dated May 31, 2017 (9480/17).
  • On June 12, 2017, the Council’s Permanent Representatives Committee recommended that the Council agree on these texts as their general approach.

The press release states that EU ministers have asked the Council Presidency to start talks with the European Parliament on these proposals as soon as the Parliament has approved its own negotiating stance. It quotes the finance minister of Malta (which currently holds the Council Presidency), stating that the Council hopes that “the Parliament will be able to start negotiating by the end of this year.”

The draft Insolvency Hierarchy Directive and the IFRS 9 Regulation form part of the package of banking reforms that were adopted by the European Commission in November 2016. The EU authorities have decided to fast-track these relatively discrete measures ahead of their consideration of the remainder of the reforms.

Council of EU Presidency Compromise on Regulation on ECB’s Powers to Impose Sanctions

On December 11, the Council of the EU published a note (dated December 10) that amends the ECB’s powers to impose sanctions.

The ECB published its recommendation for a Council Regulation in April 2014. The recommendation aims to establish a coherent regime for the imposition by the ECB for sanctions relating to the performance of its supervisory tasks under the Regulation establishing the single supervisory mechanism, by adapting the framework already set out for the purposes of monetary policy conduct.

Council of the EU Adopts Recast Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive

On March 3, the Council of the EU published a press release announcing that it has adopted at first reading the proposed Directive recasting the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive (94/19/EC).

On February 25, the Council published a revised text of the proposed Directive.

The Council’s adoption of the Directive will enable the European Parliament, with which agreement on the Directive was reached in December 2013, to adopt it without amendment at second reading at its plenary session between April 14 – 17, 2014.  Member states will have one year after the Directive’s entry into force to transpose it into national law.  Press Release.   Revised Text.