ESMA Publishes 2019 Work Program for Credit Rating Agencies, Trade Repositories and Third-Country CCPs and CSDs


On February 19, EMSA published its 2018 annual report and 2019 work program relating to its supervision of credit rating agencies (“CRAs“), trade repositories (“TRs“) and its monitoring of third-country central clearing counterparties (“TC-CCPs“) and central securities depositories (“TC-CSDs“) (ESMA80-199-273). READ MORE

ESMA Publishes Statement on No-Deal Brexit Contingency Plans of CRAs and Trade Repositories


ESMA published a statement on the contingency plans of credit rating agencies (“CRAs“) and trade repositories (“TRs“) in the context of Brexit (ESMA80-187-149) on November 9.

ESMA has published the statement to raise market participants’ awareness of the readiness of CRAs and TRs for the possibility of there being a no-deal Brexit. ESMA states that entities using services provided by CRAs and TRs need to consider the scenario of a no-deal Brexit and the consequences of TRs and CRAs established in the UK losing their EU registration when the UK leaves the EU. READ MORE