Rating Agency Criteria and Methodology Updates

On March 1, S&P published its methodology and assumptions relating to the surveillance of U.S. RMBS transactions backed by small-balance commercial loans. S&P Release.

On March 4, S&P revised its assumptions for assessing European insurance hybrid capital instruments subject to the EU’s “Directive On The Taking-Up And Pursuit Of The Business Of Insurance And Reinsurance” (Solvency II). S&P Release.

On March 2, S&P released updated assumptions for the interest rate scenarios for its U.S. insurance risk-based capital model. S&P Release.

On March 3, Fitch released updated criteria related to the rating of future flow securitizations in emerging markets. Fitch Release.

On March 2, Fitch released updated criteria with respect to the liquidity risks of covered bond programs. Fitch Release. 

Note: Free registration is required for S&P and Fitch releases and reports.