cash-flow CLO

Rating Agency Developments

On April 14, Moody’s said that the proposals to give EU-based authorities wide-ranging powers to intervene in the operation of failing credit institutions will be credit neutral for structured finance transactions involving EU banks if the final legislation incorporates appropriate safeguards and policy objectives. Moody’s Release.

On April 11, Fitch released updated rating guidelines for commercial paper note programs with external support. Fitch Release. Fitch Report.

On April 8, Moody’s extended the comment period from April 8 to April 22 for proposed changes to its modeling framework for cash-flow CLOs. Moody’s Release.

On April 8, S&P published its methodology for rating nonsovereign issuers and structured finance transactions above the related sovereign in the 17-member European Monetary Union. S&P Release.

Note: Free registration is required for Fitch, Moody’s and S&P releases and reports.