Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

Federal Reserve Releases Results of CCAR


On June 28, 2017, the Federal Reserve Board announced that it has completed its annual review of the capital planning processes and capital adequacy of the largest U.S.-based bank holding companies and did not object to the capital plans of all 34 bank holding companies participating in the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). However, the Federal Reserve Board is requiring one firm to address weaknesses in its capital planning process and resubmit its capital plan by the end of 2017. Report. Press Release.

Federal Reserve Board Releases Results of Supervisory Bank Stress Tests


On June 22, 2017, the Federal Reserve Board released the results of its annual supervisory stress tests conducted on 34 bank holding companies. According to the results, the nation’s largest bank holding companies have strong capital levels and retain their ability to lend to households and businesses during a severe recession. The supervisory stress tests are carried out pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and is one component of the Federal Reserve’s analysis during the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR), which is an annual exercise to evaluate the capital planning processes and capital adequacy of large bank holding companies. Report. Press Release.

Final Rule Revising the Capital Plan and Stress Test Rules


On January 31, 2017, the Federal Reserve Board (the “Board“) adopted a final rule that revises the capital plan and stress test rules for (i) bank holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets and (ii) U.S. intermediate holding companies of foreign banking organizations. Under the final rule, large and noncomplex firms are no longer subject to the qualitative assessment of the Board’s Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (“CCAR“). However, large and noncomplex firms will remain subject to their capital requirements as part of CCAR’s quantitative assessment and will still be subject to regular supervisory assessments examining their capital planning processes. Press Release. Final Rule.

Fed Announces Dates of Stress Test Releases

On February 12, the Fed announced that results from the latest supervisory stress tests conducted as part of Dodd-Frank will be released on March 5, and the related results from the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, will be released on March 11.  Results for both exercises will be released at 4:30 p.m.  Release.


Fed Announcement of Supervisory Scenarios for Capital Planning and Stress Testing

On November 1, the Fed issued supervisory scenarios to be used for the 2014 capital planning and stress testing program, which includes the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review of 30 bank holding companies with $50 billion or more of total consolidated assets.   Fed ReleaseFed Comprehensive Capital Analysis.

Fed Announces Release Dates for Results of Supervisory Stress Tests and CCAR

On January 28, the Fed announced that results from the supervisory stress tests under the Dodd-Frank Act will be released on March 7, and the related results from the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) will be released on March 14.  The Dodd-Frank Act supervisory stress test results will include data such as capital ratios, revenue and loss estimates under a severely adverse scenario and assuming a common set of capital actions that is used in the analysis of all of the firms.  Fed Release.