Corporate and REIT Sectors

Rating Agency Developments

On July 14, Fitch updated its EMEA Consumer ABS Rating Criteria and the Auto Residual Value Addendum, and published a report outlining the basic legal assumptions on which the EMEA ABS rating criteria are predicated. Fitch EMEA Consumer ABS Criteria. Fitch Auto Residual Value Addendum. Fitch EMEA ABS Legal Assumptions.

On July 12, Fitch updated its global surveillance criteria for Trust Preferred CDOs. Fitch Release. Fitch Report.

On July 11, Fitch updated its criteria for Recovery Ratings U.S. RMBS. Fitch Release. Fitch Report.

On July 11, Fitch published new criteria for the treatment of hybrid equity in the Corporate and REIT Sectors, and for BanksFitch Corporate and REIT Sector Release. Fitch Corporate and REIT Report. Fitch Bank Release. Fitch Bank Report.

Note: Free registration is required for Fitch releases and reports.