On July 1, 2016, the EBA published additional information on how the results of the EU-wide stress test will inform the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (“SREP”).
The focus of the update is to explain how additional capital guidance can be used to cover potential shortfalls in own funds based on the outcomes of supervisory stress tests. Although capital guidance does not constitute any form of minimum capital requirement, institutions are expected to incorporate it in their risk management frameworks. Competent authorities should also monitor its fulfillment.
The 2016 EU-wide stress test does not contain a pass fail threshold and instead is designed to be used as a crucial piece of information for SREP in 2016. The results will allow competent authorities to assess banks’ abilities to meet applicable minimum and additional own funds requirements under stressed scenarios based on a common methodology and assumptions. If competent authorities identify capital shortfalls leading to potential breaches of applicable own funds requirements revealed by the stress tests, they can employ the capital guidance to address their concerns.
The results of the EU-wide stress test, which was launched by the EBA in February 2016, are expected to be published in the early part of the third quarter of 2016.